The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the pacofic. 美国和日本是和平相处的,根据日本的请求仍在同它的政府和天皇进行会谈,以期维护太平洋和平。
Consideration is given to an equitable geographical distribution and a candidate's contribution to the maintenance of international peace and security. 考虑因素包括非常任理事国的地区分布是否合理,以及候选国对维护国际和平与安全的贡献。
ASEM partners believe in multilateralism GetWord(" multilateralism"); and are important forces for the maintenance of world peace and stability. 亚欧会议成员奉行多边主义,是维护世界和平与稳定的重要力量。
It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. 教育应谋促进各国、各种族或各宗教集团体间的了解,容忍和友谊,并应促进联合国维护和平的各项活动。
Norway is, quite naturally, paying great attention to developments in Europe and in the Atlantic community, which are so instrumental to the maintenance of peace and security in our part of the world. 挪威自然十分关切欧洲和大西洋国家的发展,因为这些发展大大有助于维护世界上我们只一地区的和平与安全。
Mr Ban said the Council had "primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security" and urged its members to act "swiftly and decisively to put this crisis to an end". 潘基文说,安理会“首要责任是维持国际和平与安全”,并敦促其成员采取行动“迅速和果断地把这场危机的结束”。
"As an important force for the maintenance of world peace and stability, China will make even greater contributions to mankind" 作为维护世界和平与稳定的重要力量,必将对人类做出更大的贡献
Declaration on the Enhancement of Cooperation between the United Nations and Regional Arrangements or Agencies in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security 关于增进联合国与区域安排或机构之间在维持国际和平与安全领域的合作的宣言
It is an important development in the maintenance of international peace and security. 在维护国际和平与安全方面,这是一个重大的消息。
United States was at peace with that nation, and at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its Emperor, working towards the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. 在此之前,美国同日本处于和平状态,并应日本之请同该国政府及天皇谈判,指望维持太平洋区域的和平。
The United Nations Security Council is charged with the maintenance of international peace and security. 联合国安全理事会负有维持国际和平与安全的责任。
Cooperation in the Maintenance of Peace and Security, and Disarmament 为维持和平与安全及裁军而合作
The United Nations has a primary role to play in the maintenance of peace and security. 联合国在维护国际和平与安全方面起主要作用。
The United States remains firmly committed to the defense of the Republic of Korea and to the maintenance of peace and stability in Northeast Asia. 美国恪守保障大韩民国的防务和维护东北亚和平与稳定的坚定承诺。
Today, The Chinese civilian is tangible and peaceful, we not active in the maintenance of the world peace or protecting the earth from incursion, but living and working in peace and contentment. 如今中国老百姓都很实在也很太平,不求有功于维持世界和平捍卫地球不容外星人侵略吧,但求图个人人安居乐业。
China and India concluded an Agreement on the Maintenance of Peace and Tranquillity Along the Line of Actual Control in the Border Areas. 中印缔结了《在边境实际控制线保持和平与安宁的协定》。
Memorandum on the maintenance of peace and stability in the Commonwealth of Independent States 在独立国家联合体维护和平与稳定备忘录
Primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security 维护国际和平与安全的主要责任
Declaration concerning Maintenance of Peace and Union among the American Republics 美洲各国间维护和平与团结的宣言
China adheres to the road of peaceful development and we are an important force in the maintenance of peace and stability in the world and the region, Mr Qin said. 秦刚指出:中国坚定地走和平发展道路,是维护世界和平、促进共同发展的重要力量。
Disruptive and dissenting elements had to be kept at bay for the maintenance of peace and solidarity among the community of monks. 破坏性和不同的因素都必须成为维持和平和僧人的团结的港湾。
The United Nations is the largest Inter-Governmental Organization of the world today. It has exerted great influence in the maintenance of the world peace and the promotion of human development. 联合国是当今世界上最大的政府间国际组织,在维护世界和平与促进人类发展中发挥着重要的作用。
The initiators of Cosmopolitanism advocated the international control of force, the organization of "Sovereign States Coalition", the maintenance of international peace and the elimination of wars, all of which are the desires of the sages. 世界主义的倡导者主张对武力进行国际管制,组织主权国家联盟,共同维护和平,消除战争,这是先哲的理想。
Vienna System was the basic prerequisite for the maintenance of the peace in Europe in the 19th century and the foundation for the sustenance of the System and the composition of its balance of powers lay in Europe's domination over the world. 维也纳体制是19世纪欧洲和平得以维系的基本条件;维也纳体制及其均势结构持续存在的基础在于欧洲对世界的统治。
In the long run, the EU's development is irresistible, which can keep the maintenance of world peace and stability, curb US hegemonism and power politics. 长远看来,欧盟的发展无法阻挡,而且欧盟的发展对于维护世界的和平与稳定,抑制美国的霸权主义和强权政治具有重要的现实意义。
It represents a new characteristic of contemporary international relations and it has an impact on the traditional idea of sovereignty, enriching and developing international law, improving the development of globalization, and greatly contributing to the maintenance of regional and world peace. 其意义和影响在于:它冲击了传统的主权观,丰富和发展了国际法,促进了全球化的发展,为维护区域和世界和平做出了积极的贡献。
Maintenance of peace and security of the whole world is a most important function of UN and peacekeeping operation is considered as a significant way. 维持世界的和平与安全是联合国的重要职能之一,而联合国维和行动就是联合国维护国际和平与安全的重要手段。
The gist of the UN reform is to improve it in aspects of timely and effective maintenance of world peace and security. 联合国改革的要旨之一要提高它在维护世界和平与安全方面的及时性与有效性。
The prerequisite, necessity and legality to create ICTR are analyzed through historical survey, and it is submitted that the disregard of history by ICTR is inconducive to the maintenance of peace and stability in Rwanda. 通过背景考察,分析卢旺达国际刑事法庭建立的前提条件和建立的必然性和合法性,认为卢旺达国际刑事法庭回避历史的做法,不利于卢旺达国际刑事法庭实现维护卢旺达的和平与稳定的目的。